Sportwaffen K9 understands the need and value of proper training. We devote extensive time to training here at our kennel and constantly strive for the best training available today. I actively train and compete with my own dogs. It is my belief that a good breeder should be doing this to have a realistic view and understanding of their dogs drives and their true individual genetic value for breeding consideration. If you cannot read a dog, cannot train a dog, cannot compete a dog, how can you possibly breed responsibly?
As a Police K9 handler, and Training/Trial Helper with O.G. Landshark Schutzhund, Polizeihund, und Rettungshunde, I have had the opportunity to work a wide range of dogs from:
7 week old puppies to
Powerful personal protection dogs to
Street hardened police dogs to
Multiple Regional/Regional Champion level competition dogs to
Multiple National/National Champion level competition dogs to
Multiple Bundessiegerprufung level competition dogs to
Multiple WUSV level competition dogs.
As a breeder, I have worked hard to gain my knowledge and my eye for German Shepherd Dogs. This has come over years of effort and thousands of hours of hands on and research. I am not a person who profits from the abuse that occurs to the breed when people simply take a titled dog and breed to a titled dog. Rather, my breedings are highly thought out and planned, starting with the selection of quality breeding stock within my own kennel and not allowing myself to become kennel blind to quality found outside my kennel.
I believe in training, titling, and breeding REAL dogs for the betterment and the continuation of the German Shepherd Dog breed.
I do not train just for titles. I train to test genetics.
I do not breed dogs just because they are titled.
I do not breed dogs just because they have a great paper pedigree.
I do not breed point dogs or dogs without hardness.
I do not breed according to internet hype from people who don’t know what a good dog is.
I believe in breeding dogs with high drives that are genetically gifted and sound in mind and body.
I believe in producing dogs that will work and excel in top sport and real life venues.
I believe the future of this breed as a working dog depends on blood, not scorebooks, and that breeding and training should reflect that.
“The reminder here is that the origin of Schutzhund and the rules under which we “compete” were developed to “test” the dogs temperament (courage and hardness NOT “play prey” or “ball” drive) for breed suitability – not for a sport. We cannot lose sight of the fact that Schutzhund is a BREED SUITABILITY test or we do a dis-service to the German Shepherd Dog. Conscientious breeders should train and test their bloodlines…not simply be in the “puppy business.”
~as quoted by Gunther Diegel, Director of Schutzhund Judges for the
Verein für Deutsche Schäferhund (SV) in Germany
Nate Harves
Sportwaffen K9

Sportwaffen Training Videos
Table Muzzle
Table Training
Stuka, Table Training
Bite Box
Best Beginnings Obedience
Protection Training
Protection Training, Hidden Sleeve
Crate Agitation
Kennel Agitation
Numerous Sportwaffen Training Articles Available By Clicking Here
Want more? Click here to view our videos on You Tube!
Training Pictures

Erri z Blatenskeho zamku SchH3, IPO3, FH1, Kkl2
ZVV1: 97-96-95=288V
SchH1: 99-97-95=291V
SchH2: 99-97-94=290V
SchH3: 100-100-97=297V
IPO2: 100-95-98=293V
IPO3: 99-96-97=292V
2009 Working Dog Champion
2008 AWDF 3rd Place
2008 Mideast Regional Champion
2007 Czech Nationals 1st place
2007 WUSV Competitor, Slovakian Team
2009 WUSV Competitor, Team USA

2006 Bundessiegerprufung Protection Demo Dog
SchH3: 99-95-99 293 V
LG-FCI: 99-94-97 290 V
SV-Bundes-FCI: 83-82-97 262 G
LGA: 93-87-97 277 SG
BSP: 92-89-95 276 SG
FH1: 91 SG
SchH3: 98-96-98 292 V
Ike von der Mohnwiese SchH3, FH1, Kkl2

2006 USA Mideast Regional Champion
2007 USA Mideast Regional Champion
2007 WUSV competitor
Basco ze Slovanskeho Domu, SchH3, IPO3, FH1, Kkl1

Max van Tiekerhook SchH3, IPO3, VH3, SPH1, Kkl1 with Koos Hassing 2006 OG Indianapolis SchH und Polizei

Police K9 Cezar of the Marion Police Department

2003 Bundessiegerprufung
2003 LGA
2003 LG FCI Qualifications
2003 SV FCI 2004 USA Nationals
V Unkas zum Jürgenshof (BSP, FCI) SchH3, IPO3, RH1, Kkl1
Working Basco ze Slovanskeho domu SchH3, IPO3, FH1, Kkl1

A Sportwaffen dog defending his female handler

A Sportwaffen dog doing a German Shepherd’s first intended job, herding!

Helper Seminar

Helper Seminar

Police K9 Seminar

I have added a page with information on measurements, specs, patterns, layouts, etc., for schutzhund tracking, obedience, wall, jump, etc. You may go to it by clicking here.
Click here to see the photos from the 2006 and 2008 Bundessiegerprüfung in Germany !!
Click here to see and hear how to pronounce K9 Commands in German, Czech, French,
and Dutch !!